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Septor Oy

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Septor satisfy the needs of the industry and in particular the needs of the maritime industry.

Chamber of Commerce:
Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
Main Line of Business:
Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery
Home Municipality:
Street Address:
Teknobulevardi 3-5 , 01530, VANTAA
Postal Address:
Teknobulevardi 3-5 , 01530, VANTAA
Business ID:
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Today’s Septor was founded in 2006 to satisfy the needs of the industry and in particular the needs of the maritime industry.

There was a clear need for such a technical and agile representative. Our experience dates back to the 1970s, and many of our partners have been involved ever since.

We represent both traditional family business and large, multinational corporations. We always choose our partners carefully; they must represent the best in their industry. Customer satisfaction for us is a matter of honor. Our passion is to continuously provide our customers with the best available solution.

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