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Alaris Cojot OY

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COJOT is a well-respected and long established Finnish company, designing and developing omnidirectional VHF/UHF/SHF wideband antennas and accessories for mobile tactical communication, electronic warfare and spectrum monitoring applications.

Helsingin seudun kauppakamari
Toimiala (TOL2008):
Viestintälaitteiden valmistus
Päivänkakkarantie 10 , 02270, ESPOO
Päivänkakkarantie 10 , 02270, ESPOO
Yrityksen perustamisvuosi:
Electronic warfare and spectrum monitoring applicationsVHF/UHF/SHF wideband antennas and accessories for mobile tactical communication
Salli evästeet nähdäksesi sisällön.

COJOT is a well-respected and long established Finnish company, designing and developing omnidirectional VHF/UHF/SHF wideband antennas and accessories for mobile tactical communication, electronic warfare and spectrum monitoring applications.

In April 2016 COJOT was acquired by Alaris Holdings, a South-African technology holding company listed on the JSE AltX. As a result of this acquisition, Alaris Antennas, with specific expertise in numerous product types, like Direction Finding (DF), Monitoring, Communication, Log Periodic Dipole Arrays (LPDA), Masts and supporting RF Electronics, as well as mWave Industries, a leading global provider of innovative custom and commercial microwave antenna solutions with special focus on 60, 70, 80, 94 and 110 GHz Millimeter Wave Reflector Antennas, are now our sister companies.

Founded in 1986, we have established a first class reputation for delivering field proven quality equipment on time. It is our expertise and experience in wideband antennas that has made COJOT a recognised and trusted source for supplying highly reliable and durable antenna equipment to some of the most demanding environments throughout the globe.

As a pioneer and leading manufacturer of mobile wideband antennas, we are now proud to supply the defence industry and military contractors as well as defence forces in crisis management operations and public safety authorities worldwide.

With communication needs intensifying, the requirement for wider bandwidth in both military and civilian RF systems is increasing. Motivated by this need, our years of design, development and manufacturing experience has enabled us to offer the highest technological excellence to protect lives and property in the most hostile environments throughout the globe.

We take pride in our values of pursuit of customer satisfaction, integrity, excellence and commitment and it is our aim to provide the perfect equipment to improve our customers’ radio coverage, connectivity and competitiveness.

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