Suomessa BASF on aktiivinen teollisuuden kumppani, joka tuottaa laaja-alaisesti eri kemikaaleja ja ratkaisuja - BASF is an active partner to the industry in Finland. We sell products from BASF's wide product range as well as supplementary products from other suppliers.
BASF Oy, the main operating company in Finland, represents the connecting part between the industry in our region and the competence within science and technology acquired by the BASF group during many years in close co-operation with customers all over the world. We work in close cooperation with the other BASF companies all over Europe. Among the synergy effects of a pan-European organization are the benefits we can draw from each other's know-how and special products.
We market a wide range of products, including paper chemicals, agricultural solutions, crop protection products, dispersions and pigments, plastics, coatings products for automotive refinish solutions. We manufacture Styronal® synthetic binders for paper coating applications in Hamina.
Tiedon työntövoimaa, verkoston vipuvoimaa ja vaikuttamisen vetovoimaa. Helsingin seudun kauppakamarin jäsenenä saat tueksesi laajan ja vaikutusvaltaisen elinkeinoelämän verkoston, edunvalvonnan, ajassa kiinni olevat tietopalvelut sekä markkinoiden monipuolisimmat koulutukset. Menesty kanssamme!