Fintranslations: Finnish translation services in Helsinki
Founded in 2003 in Helsinki, Fintranslations combines the engineering expertise of its three founders and their experience in the world of translation. Having worked together since the early 1990s, Martti, Kaarlo and Bore knew they had come across a recipe for success when working together. Their personalities, work experience and skills playing off one another, they dove into a business that is going strong to this day, many of their clients having stuck firmly by them over the last almost 30 years.
Fintranslations means engineering expertise in translations, founded in Helsinki but reaching beyond borders.
Tiedon työntövoimaa, verkoston vipuvoimaa ja vaikuttamisen vetovoimaa. Helsingin seudun kauppakamarin jäsenenä saat tueksesi laajan ja vaikutusvaltaisen elinkeinoelämän verkoston, edunvalvonnan, ajassa kiinni olevat tietopalvelut sekä markkinoiden monipuolisimmat koulutukset. Menesty kanssamme!